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If you are looking to hire the right person for your business, you should first know the qualities of good employees. Getting the right talent is half the battle won. A company can’t achieve its potential without the right people. However, businesses have limited resources, so they have to identify their target audience, generate leads, and follow up on them. You have to follow a process that will create a long-lasting relationship with your candidate.

Ways to Hire the Right Person

Here are the key points to take note of when building the right team.

Create a Job Analysis

Define the needed skills of the employee. Be clear about the role’s duties, responsibilities, and be precise about the work environment the role has to take on.

Here are the benefits of practical job analysis and job description:

  1. The manager and the employees working closely with this new role taker will be able to communicate internally on what they need in the scope of this position.
  2. Recruitment is made easier for the Human Resources team. They will have a precise list of the skills, education, and experiences needed for this role.
  3. You will be clear about the duties and responsibilities the potential candidate will take on.
  4. These will help the employees involved in the interview process prepare and ask the right questions to the candidate. This may also serve as legal protection. This written description will prove why your chosen candidate best fits the vacant role.

Steps in Making the Job Description

Step 1: Let the right people do the work.

It’s the supervising manager’s forte and role to create the job description for the vacant position.

Other employees with similar job roles can also contribute to it since they experience the job first hand. If the role is new to the company, the employees involved with the workload should also participate. They are the ones who have an idea of the job description.

Step 2: Storm ideas for the job analysis

Here are inclusions on a practical job analysis:

  • The current employees’ job responsibilities
  • Online and offline research on job description samples
  • Highlight the similar job roles
  • Job responsibilities, duties, and tasks the role will fill
  • Studying similar jobs from other companies
  • The substantial contribution this job role needs to give to the team

Here are also the factors that make a substantial job description:

  • The description of the position and its overall areas of responsibility
  • Detailed functions of the job with examples for each
  • The skills, abilities, and knowledge needed for the role
  • The educational background and working experience needed
  • The details of the work demands, including the physical demands
  • The details of what the work environment is like

How to Make Your Job Descriptions Contribute the Right Way

  1. See if the employees meet the job descriptions. Timely check if the workers are fulfilling what is expected of them to do from the job description.
  2. For training and development plans, you can base on the job description made to develop the skills and knowledge of your employees.

Strategize Your Employee Recruitment

Meet up with the employees that can help you with this recruitment process. You will need the hiring manager and the team that will work closely with the new hire or new role.

Make a list of the People You Will Be Hiring.

Keep track of your recruitment process and its progress by keeping a checklist. This will make the whole process more systematic.

Filter Out the Best Candidates for the Role

Take note of the top candidates for the vacant job. Keeping records of the qualified candidates for the role will save you a lot of time in the future when you need to hire again. It is also best to keep a pool of candidates to choose from when needed.

Carefully Check Applications and Their Credentials

You will receive a lot of applications from people with impressive backgrounds. However, this does not mean that those people are fit for the job. Crash out those applicants that do not pass the qualifications needed. This is a crucial step to get where you want to be. Make a checklist of what you need from the right applicant.

Screen Candidates First

To save the other committee’s time, it is best to execute a pre-screening interview to confirm what is written in the paper. The pre-screening stage is also where you will hear the salary expectations. It’s also how you can assess if they truly fit in the working environment you are offering.

Prepare and Ask the Right Questions

The interview stage is where you can filter out the best candidates from just the decent ones. This crucial factor is one of the key tools employers use. It’s also an effective way to find the right person for the team.

Job References and Background Checks are Fundamental

Verify first if the impressive job experiences of the applicant are legit. This background verification pertains to the educational background, job history, credit history, and even criminal records. You might also need to talk to the candidates’ former supervisors and professors to verify everything printed on the papers.

Carefully Examine the Right Factors in Hiring an Employee

Being comfortable with the applicant because he is relatable is not enough to extend that job offer. Here is a list of the crucial factors you need to examine to get the right people:

1.   Feedback from the Involved Teams

You will need input from the teams you are working with to come up with the best results. There might be some helpful feedback from them that will serve as an eye-opener and help you make the right decision.

2.   The Right Questions for Reference Checks

Would they hire this employee again? If you want the best of the best candidate, feedback from their references will help.

3.   Culture Compatibility

Does the applicant fit the culture he will be exposed to? Do you need a team player? Or do you need an independent one who can work alone with less supervision? These are some of the questions to consider in choosing the right one. Some employees are also very obedient to bosses but have poor team communication skills.

4.   Ability to Do the Work Effectively

Assess the candidate’s past job experiences if they fit the role. The fit applicant can undoubtedly do the job, especially if he has gone through the appropriate mentoring from his current work experiences. Do you need someone to assist you with copywriting and responding to customer queries as well? Then you need to hire someone with writing and customer service experience.

5.   They Want to Grow Professionally

The applicant also needs to show his interest in growth and commitment to know that he is sincere in being a part of your company. Is he eager to learn and also develop new skills? Can he keep up with the versatility you require in the work culture? Those are some things you might need to reconsider.

6.   Leadership Potential

It is essential to know if the candidate can lead a team sooner or later. You are asking a person to join the company, and you don’t want them to suffer from being stagnant in the upcoming years. Communication skills and being systematic are the key traits a future leader should have.

7.   The Applicant’s Value

The winning candidate must be reliable no matter what challenges lie ahead. They must be an effective problem solver. They should also be a good communicator and understands the business processes. Your organization will thrive and rise with the right people who can give value to it.

These are the fundamental factors you can base your interviews on for a better assessment.

8.   Job Offer

Last but not least, extend the job offer. Once you have chosen the right candidate for the position, negotiate the job conditions through this job offer letter. The salary and benefits will be negotiated through this important paper.

For top positions, more will also be implied in the job offer. Aside from the salary, benefits, and employment termination, things such as severance pay, stock options, and bonuses will be agreed upon.

The Step-By-Step Process in Hiring the Right People

Step 1: Compose the Right Job Description

Be straight to the point with the characteristics, qualifications, experiences, and traits the applicant needs to possess. These will simplify the human resource department’s job, especially in screening and filtering out resumes.

Step 2: Hire Internally and be Budget-Wise

You can save a lot of time and effort if someone inside the company can fill the role. Post the job vacancy on your bulletin boards in the pantry or coffee area. This can help them try new roles in the company. Also, let your current employees know that you are also considering external applications.

Step 3: Schedule Your Interview With the Internal Applicants

The important people in the interviews also have hectic schedules. This is why this should be scheduled ahead of time regarding the HR, the candidate’s manager, and the hiring manager. Each role of the interviewers should be discussed before the interview.

The job offer to be given to the selected internal candidate must include the new salary package and job description for clarity. If no internal candidates are chosen for the position, be clear about it. This feedback will help the employee in the future.

Step 4: Seek External Candidates

Spread the information about the job vacancy through job posts online and in your network. Advertise this position efficiently through different professional platforms if your employees can use their social media platforms to recruit better. If there is a more vital role to take, you may visit your nearest Universities and offer this job opening to top graduates.

Step 5: Fill Your Applicant Pool

Develop your applicant pool with qualified candidates. LinkedIn is one the best social media platforms where you will meet career-oriented professionals and be effective at what they do.

Step 6: Shortlist Candidates and Proceed to Application Screening

After selecting the best candidates, prioritize which of them have the most desirable resumes, applications, and cover letters. Once you have chosen the ones with the best credentials, proceed to phone screening them.

Step 7: Make the First Interview Schedule

The HR representative and the hiring supervisor will be present during the first interview. This is also the time when you let the applicant review the job description and discuss it further. Give the candidate an overview of the company at this point, and tell them what you are looking for and what you expect from the future employee.

Step 8: Schedule the Second Interview

Those who have the hiring decision must be in the second interview. This will include the potential teammates, the manager, HR, and even customers.

These people must not be the ones on the first interview as well. Just like the first interview, everyone in the second interview must also participate.

Step 9: Come Up With the Top Candidates

Once you have chosen the best ones, it is time to do background checks to verify their qualifications and experiences. In the end, the supervising manager will do the honor of choosing the one that best fits the role.

Step 10: Schedule a Talk With the Chosen Candidate

Bring up the topic about the possible salary range and the candidate’s interest in the job. Also, give them a heads up about the background check, drug test, and the confidentiality agreement to be signed.

Step 11: Put the Agreement in an Offer Letter

This will serve as a written agreement that both parties are clear about what salary should be expected by the candidate. This job offer letter must have the chosen candidate’s signature. If this offer is declined, you still have a pool of candidates waiting on your list.

Happy Hiring

Hiring the right person requires an intelligent strategy. It is not enough to hire the applicant just because it is an urgent role to be filled. It is essential to know the personal aspirations of the candidate and if this fits with the job role, as well as the company’s stability.

In the interview, you do not have to focus on their past job experiences to save your time. You also need to study their resume before facilitating the interviews. Involve your team, especially if they will be working closely with this potential new hire. The potential candidate may affect your team’s workload in a good or bad way.

Additionally, give them exercises to see if they have the skills you need in an employee. Last but not least, on this strategy, give yourself more time to decide and trust your gut.

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